Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meiji Mogimogi Grape Gummy

And we're back! This is Spire here on the wire.

Anyway here's another one from Meiji involving fun and tasty gummies, is the Mogimogi Grape Fruits gummy, which essentially looks like a literal bunch of grapes growing from a vine.
This cost me about RM 4 ( you can get it for RM 3-something in some places) and the gummies are a combination of red grape, muscat (green grapes) and some soda-ish flavoured stuff.

Here's the ingredients. Not exactly a very healthy thing to eat though, but its great for sharing among friends because you get multiple grapes and the 'vine' is edible too.

I pretty much opened it post haste, and let me tell you, the smell of grape when its opened is immense. It was really strong to say the least. The gummy was also rather sticky, somewhat like the sushi one, making it a bit difficult to pull out of the packaging in one piece.

But once it was out, it was real pretty to look at, all shiny and stuff. You're supposed to pluck off the grapes and eat them or share them before tackling the vine, but I went ahead and took a bite of the entire lower bit of it.

The red grapes tasted juicy and so did the green ones. They sort of fell apart in your mouth in little round bits so there was a bit of 'genuine' feeling of eating grapes there. The stem on the other hand, was rather flavourful too but I couldn't quite taste the flavour, it was like some kind of grapish-yogurty flavour. It wasn't bad but I can't figure it out at all.

EDIT: The vine is melon soda flavour! my bad.

Spire sez: Overall, I kinda like this, because it manages to have a juicy taste, even the stem. Great for sharing or as a quick snack as well!

Spire's Ratings
Flavor: 4/5
Price: 5/5
DIY level: Nonexistant
Fun: 5/5

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meiji Sushi Gummy Candy

Spire's here again, and I've found another bit of something interesting to share with the lot of you.

Meiji Gummy Sushi candy, also known as Meiji Nigi nigi Ooshi Yasan (according to the translation at the back of the package)I got this off the shelf for about RM4-5, I can't remember exactly, and I got it at the Ikano Japanese food fair some time ago. The cover caught my eye because I don't normally see 'double-decker' sweets so I decided to give it a try. The gummies are Peach, Orange and Cherry flavor.

It was originally planned to be taken with us for a short day-trip holiday to Genting, but Silvy opened it one night earlier (oops) so we decided to have it on the spot.

So yes, there's a grand total of 14 gummies, 7 pieces of peach flavored 'rice', 4 pieces of orange flavored 'toppings' and 3 pieces of cherry flavored sushi toppings as well.

Somehow some of the peach gummies had overflowed the packaging, so it was stuck to some of the orange ones, so we had to peel them off. The gummies were all surprisingly sticky yet firm, and once we stuck one to another, were quite hard to remove again, which I suppose was the actual point.

We stuck a few together and popped them in for a bite, and surprisingly they were quite flavorful, though the peach taste was a little weird at first, but the tastes did go well together.

The whole lot were enjoyed by us both (and my brother who happened to walk in at the time) favorites were the orange flavored ones of course, cherry being a close second.

I hear that there are other versions and flavors of these gummies so I guess we will be on the lookout for them.

Spire sez: This kit is fun and easy, so even toddlers can have a go at it (if you're not opposed to having young kids snacking on candy so young) but the best part is the flavors blend in very well with each other, so peeling them off the mess was quite worth it.

Silvy says: It's a no-brainer. All you gotta do is to mix-and-match the 'rice' with your choice of 'topping'  and discover how the burst of flavor pleases your taste buds. Can be a wee bit messy, especially since it's quite sticky, but chewing on this sweet sushi is worth it!

Spire's Ratings
Flavor: 4/5
Price: 4/5
DIY level: Easy
Fun: 3/5

Silvy's Ratings
Flavor: 4/5
Price: 4/5
DIY level: Very easy
Fun: 3/5